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Angelica, Olimpia, Bradamante e le altre...le donne dell’Orlando Furioso

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Director of Scenic Movement Review

Next Showing: September 6 at L'Estate Fiesolana

Review from
"Le coreografie e i movimenti scenici curati da Yassi Jahanmir hanno contribuito a creare un'atmosfera dinamica e coinvolgente, che mette in evidenza la forza narrativa e la presenza scenica dei personaggi."/"The translation and scenic movement curated by Yassi Jahanmir contributed in creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere, that foregrounded the narrative force and scenic presence of the characters."

A new Italian musical that centers on the women of Orlando Furioso, an Italian epic poem written by Ludovico Ariosto. Directed and Written by Consuelo Barilari

Premiere: March 8, 2024, Teatro Alfieri, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana

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